Compression Therapy & Recovery Area 

About Our Recovery Area & Compression Therapy…

We have our very own recovery area which has a cinema style reclining massage chair, state-of-the-art air pressure compression technology up to 200 mmHg, delivering relief along four adjustable chambers from feet to thigh and also one of the worlds most powerful massage guns to use for your shoulders and arms while you have the boots on your legs.

Compression boots use compressed air to massage your legs, mobilise fluid, and speed recovery, these boots feel like a deep pressure, relaxing massage to your legs.

Its main purpose is to speed up recovery. The increased blood flow brings with it oxygen and nutrients that will help heal the micro-tears caused by exercise. Using compression boots has also been shown to improve your venous return (how quickly your blood is pumped back to the heart to be re-oxygenated).

And quite frankly it feels great too it’s very relaxing.


Recovery Area & Compression Therapy Pricing…

AJ’s Gym Monthly PT subscription members (not including pay per session get 1x 20 minute session per week free with the compression boots.

Gym class members/non subscription PT members can pay per session which will be at a reduced rate of £20 which is still very cheap.

Non members 30 minute compression therapy session £35 per session.

To start a compression therapy membership or book in for a session fill out the contact us form

  • Loyalty :)

  • There are many debates about it with people for and against which you can google but personally i am all for it.

    It feels great and my legs feel like feathers afterwards.

  • Sore legs being treated on a cinema style reclining massage chair + massage gun + compression boots.

    Say no more :)